Timeline of Events

June 29: Preserve FPO Press Conference

July 3:
Women’s Committee Meeting

July 6: Nate Heinold & Wilbur Wallis – Contacted

July 7: Rose Leonard, posts her experience around the Women’s Committee meeting.

July 7: PDGA Removes Rose Leonard

July 7:  Jennie Weigand (now seen on the post as PDGA Staff) releases https://www.pdga.com/announcements/womens-committee-meeting-632023

July 8:  Belize Votes out the PDGA in protest of the treatment of Rose and the Gender Policy – question posted to the Int Director about process for removal.

July 8: Belize Starts the Process of Removal

July 15: Latin America PDGA Director first and only communication

July 17: International Director Responds to Criticism of Latin America Coordinator

July 18: PDGA Removes Affiliation – Belize is formally removed by the Int Director and Jennie Weigand is the one tasked with its removal.

August 10th: Belize is still in the International Directory in both Latin and English versions.

Updated 1/15/2024: PDGA Still Publicly lists their statement against Rose Leonard, they also emailed every Country Coordinator and WFDF Board member the statement highlighting that nobody in the meeting confirms her account despite multiple witnesses coming forward.