Legacy Discs Signs 3 Players in Belize!


Legacy Discs recently launched an application process for players to join their umbrella as team members for their newly minted “Phenom Team” their goal was to build their ranks with players who: “Love this sport as much as we do, Contribute to the growth of disc golf in their communities, and Believe they can represent disc golf, our brand, themselves, and their community with enthusiasm and professionalism”.

Legacy sent out invitations yesterday to players they deemed a good candidate for their new team.  3 of those players selected are right here in Belize!

Chris Leonard, Cerros, Corozal, Belize: PDGA #65698.  Chris moved to Belize in 2019 and is a leader in the community.  Chris runs a weekly league out at Cerros Maya Disc Golf Course and runs a majority of the Disc Golf Tournaments in Belize. Chris serves as the Country Coordinator for Belize for the Professional Disc Golf Association.

Legacy Discs and Chris have a long history dating back to his days in California.  They offered support for his club and the clubs biggest charity event the Women’s Cup for many years.  When Chris moved to Belize and started planning Disc Golf events and Legacy stepped in as the first major Disc Golf Sponsor for an event in Belize and has remained steady in their support of the Largest Event in Central America for 3 years running and are on board again for 2023, The Battle for Cayo.

Chris’s other sponsors include, Local Line Apparel & Salomon Running Shoes 

Miguel and Tino – Team Trek Stop

Miguel Nabet, San Jose Succotz, Cayo, Belize: PDGA #142148.  Miguel represents Trek Stop Disc Golf Course in San Jose Succotz, The first course in Belize and possibly the first course in all of Latin America.  Installed in 1997 this course has been recently renovated with some assistance from the Professional Disc Golf Association, Marco Polo grant.  Originally a 9 hole course its now a full 18 hole course with brand new baskets.  Miguel has been host to one of the courses for Battle for Cayo since the first year it has ran and he continued to develop Disc Golf in Cayo with plans to donate baskets and discs to local schools to get the kids more involved in his area.

Rose, Chris and Miguel – April 2023

Rosemary Leonard, Cerros, Corozal, BelizePDGA #197634.

Rose was introduced to Disc Golf by her now Husband Chris over a year ago, she has competed in 12 events so far and already has 7 wins in her division.  She recently started a group for Women’s Disc Golf here in Belize and is actively promoting Disc Golf for Women and Children in Belize.  She also helps run league at Cerros.




You can support Legacy Discs by Following them on Instagram and Facebook and you can shop for Legacy Discs equipment at https://www.legacydiscsproshop.com/.  Their fan page for Collectors is also on Facebook