PDGA Recognizes Belize as an Affiliate Country

It’s Official, Belize has become the first country in Central America to be granted Affiliate status by the Professional Disc Golf Association.

What does this mean? This gives Belize Disc Golf the added credibility that comes with being recognized by PDGA, the global governing body of the sport, as its partrner in Belize, and that also means that Belize Disc Golf has the authority when it comes to PDGA events and other matters inside of Belize.

In addition Disc Golfer Magazine will be publishing an article promoting the sport in Belize later this month.

Thank you to all the course owners and volunteers who have been putting in the effort to improve courses and events.

And a Special Thanks to Brian Hoeniger, International Director of the PDGA for the recognition of Belize Disc Golf as a partner.

We all look forward to things to come here in Belize!

More information about the PDGA International can be found here: https://www.pdga.com/international