With the Professional Disc Golf Association promoting Disc Golf in Latin America we thought we should introduce Rosemary Leonard PDGA #197634. She is currently Belize’s Top Rated Female Player currently at 540 rating. She is participating in the Winter League at the Cerros Maya Disc Golf Course and is shooting an average of 71 points above her rating!

She has played a total of 9 PDGA events with 4 victories. She has 10 tournaments and 2 leagues on her schedule this year so far and the future is looking great for her!
Rosemary, when did you first learn about Disc Golf? I learned about Disc Golf from watching my Husband playing here at our home course Cerros Maya Disc Golf course. After watching and caddying for a few events I decided “why not” and started playing.
What is your favorite event you have played so far? 2nd Annual Battle at Walker Ranch which was my first win!
What is your favorite Course you have played? Cerros Maya is my home course and I have so much fun with my friends and family playing our weekly rounds.
What is your favorite disc or discs? My Legacy Discs Mongoose and my Dynamic Discs Escape are my go to drivers and I switch them based on the wind I am facing.
Follow Rosemary’s Career